How Do I Hide A Key Outside An Apartment

Have you ever left your apartment, locking the doors securely, and suddenly get the feeling you forgot something inside? After a frantic search of everything–you suddenly realize what you forgot–your keys! What do you do? Payday isn’t for a few days, so calling a locksmith is out of the question. If only you had hidden your spare key in a safe location outside of the apartment!

Reasons You Should Hide Spare Keys

There are numerous reasons why you might want to hide a spare key to your apartment. People hide an extra house key outside so it will be easily accessible in the event they are locked out. Where you put the spare key should be in a location that is out of sight, but easy for you to find.

One of the most common reasons to hide a spare key outdoors is for a family member to be able to locate. When you’re out of town and need someone to feed and water the cat, they need easy access indoors.

Another reason you might need to hide a spare key outside is to allow hired help access when you’re away. You need to hide the key in a location that only this person knows its whereabouts. Make it clear after the work is done they leave the key inside and they lock the door on the way out. (This ensures if any intruders were watching, the key won’t fall into the wrong hands once they leave).

Finally, the biggest reason to leave a spare key outside is for peace of mind. Suppose you lose your keys while you are out? Having spare house keys safely hidden outside you will ensure you get inside to call a locksmith!

6 Creative Places to Hide Spare Key Outside

  • One of the oddest, most creative places to hide a spare key outside is in a fake hornet’s nest. Nobody likes a hornet’s nest and therefore they avert their attention when they locate one. Cleverly disguising your key hideout this way is a sure way to keep predators from trying to gain access to your abode.
  • A spare tire is a good hiding spot, too. For around $20 you can buy a wheelbarrow and tire. First let the air out of the tire, then slip your key inside and inflate it with air again.
  • Another excellent hiding place is inside a wall clock. If you have an old wall clock, simply place the key in it and hang it on an outside wall. Strangers will think the clock is simply an outdoor timepiece.
  • You still have options even though the place you live might not have obvious places for hiding spare keys. There are things called key safes or smart locks that you can buy that work well for hiding keys. Smart locks hook up to security systems and video doorbells, they are manipulated via a phone application. You will have complete control over who and when comes inside your home.
  • If you have a system of irrigation, you can use your yard to hide a spare key. Do this by putting in a fake sprinkler head that pops up in close proximity to your front door. Simply take apart another sprinkle head and purchase a phony one, the ideal place to put your key.
  • This last idea is probably the most clever and will completely baffle any would-be robbers. You are going to need the cooperation of a trusted neighbor in order to pull this one off, as well. Place your house key in a hide-a-key at your neighbor’s house and vice versa. Therefore any would-be thieves that find the key will try getting into your neighbor’s house using your key and it won’t work! Smart idea, right?

Tips For Avoiding Lockouts by Hiding Keys

It can be a frustrating event to get locked out of your apartment. One way to avoid being locked out is to never use the inside door locking mechanism. This way, should the door close behind you and you don’t have your keys, you will be able to re-enter.

Another tip is to carry an extra key in your cell phone case. Nowadays we are more likely to remember our cell phone than our keys. This way if the spare key is tucked away in the cell phone case, you can avoid being accidentally locked out.


Now you know some pretty ingenious ways to hide a key outside an apartment (or house). A word of warning though, never put any personal data such as address, phone number, or name on the spare key. This could lead to a dangerous situation should the key wind up in the wrong hands. In addition, never leave keys on a door ledge, this is the most popular place burglars look.

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